Carrier Access Broadmore 1750 User Manual
Page 239

Broadmore 1750 - Release 4.6
Command Line Interface
Creating and Running Scripts
To upload and run a script file:
1. Log in to the Broadmore using FTP or SFTP. See “FTP Login” on page
for instructions.
2. Using your FTP or SFTP software, upload the script file to the script directory
on the Broadmore’s online CPU.
3. Log into the Broadmore’s operating system using a valid user name and
password. At the 1750> prompt, enter the following command:
runscript filename
On a redundant Broadmore, you must also load and run the
script file on the standby CPU.
After you issue the runscript command, the script interpreter switches to the CLI>
prompt and executes all commands from the script file in sequence. Each command is
displayed as if you were manually entering it during a normal session.
If the script interpreter encounters an error, it continues to attempt to interpret each
successive line until it can execute a valid command. If no valid commands can be
executed before the end of the file, review the error displayed to resolve the problem.
It is recommended that all logs be reviewed after at least the first time a script is
executed to ensure that the script performed as intended.
Depending upon the load on the Broadmore’s CPU, you may
need to insert delays between some commands in a script. For example,
when using a ‘deleteall’ command, you may need to insert a delay before
attempting to reconfigure the same resources. You may also need delays
when configuring a large number of PVCs in a row. Depending upon
system load, delays of up to 30 seconds may be necessary between some
script commands. To insert a delay between script commands, use the
following command:
where n = 1 to 30 seconds.