Engineering analysis, Engineering analysis -42 – Carrier Access Broadmore 1750 User Manual

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Broadmore 1750 - Release 4.6

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Engineering Analysis

Engineering Analysis

There are several options under the Maintenance/Diags. menu reserved for use by
Carrier Access engineers. A brief description is provided to aid in understanding the
system. These commands should only be used in close coordination with Carrier
Access engineers.

Card Specific Functions leads to individual card diagnostics where you Peek and
various information fields.

System Test runs a preconfigured test and displays statistical results. The Asserts
option will activate additional software traps to provide more detailed information.

Check Free CPU Memory will display the free memory available as shown below.
This is valuable information for coordination with Carrier Access engineers.

Download Manager is used to download new software. Instructions are provided with
any new software distributed.