Metrohm 792 Basic IC User Manual
Page 52
2.9 Putting into operation
792 Basic IC
3 Start system
x Make sure, that the aspirating tubing 6.1834.010 for the high-
pressure pump is immersed in the eluent.
x Select
Startup determination
from the
menu in the sys-
tem window. The high-pressure pump and the peristaltic
pump are started, at the same time, a chromatogram window
is opened where the baseline is recorded continuously. The
suppressor module is automatically switched to the next posi-
tion every 20 min and conditioned in this way.
4 Set contact pressure for pump tubings
x Press contact pressure lever 41
41 on both tubing cartridges 40
upwards until regeneration and rinsing solution just start to be
drawn in.
x Then press contact pressure lever 41
41 upwards until it clicks
once more to obtain optimal contact pressure.
5 Check for leaks
x Check all capillaries and their connections in the 792 Basic IC
for escaping liquid. If eluent escapes anywhere, the appropri-
ate compression fitting must be tightened further or changed.
6 Condition system
x Rinse the system with eluent until the desired stability of the
baseline is reached (normally 30}60 min; if the eluent is
changed, the establishment of the ion exchanger equilibrium
on the separating column can take longer). After this time the
suppressor module is sufficiently conditioned too.
x The instrument is now ready for sample determinations using
the selected system.
Pump tubings are consumable material with a lifetime, which depends
on the contact pressure. This is why the tubing cartridges should be
raised completely by loosening snap-action lever on the right-hand
side if the pump is to remain switched off for a considerable length of
time (the set contact pressure remains unchanged).