5 structure of the cyclical i/o data, Structure of the cyclical i/o data, Section 4.5) – Festo Контроллер позиционирования CPX-CMAX User Manual
Page 94: Procedure
4. Commissioning
Festo P.BE−CPX−CMA X−SYS−EN en 0908NH
Structure of the cyclical I/O data
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 4
Byte 5
Byte 6
Byte 7
Byte 8
O data
Bytes 1 and 2 (fixed)
are retained in every
operating mode
(except for byte 2
during parameterĆ
They contain control
Bytes 3 to 8 depend on the selected operating mode (record select
mode) and transmit further control and status bytes (e.g. CDIR,
SDIR,...), as well as setpoint and actual values:
Ĉ Record number or setpoint position in the output data
Ĉ Feedback of actual position and record number in the input data
Ĉ Other operating mode and control mode−dependent setpoint
and actual values
I data
They contain control
and status bytes
(e.g. CCON,
SCON, ...) for enabĆ
ling the CMAX and
setting the operatĆ
ing modes
and actual values.
First define the operating mode in the control byte CCON. See
section 4.5.1.
This results in the allocation of the other control and status
Record select mode, see section 4.5.2.
Direct mode, see section 4.5.3.
For commissioning and parameterisation, see the CMAX
communication profile" description.
Recommendation: Set the control bit CCON.LOCK during operĆ
ation. This way, the PLC can make sure that the programmed
sequence cannot be disturbed by FCT access.
Or evaluate the status bit SCON.FCT_MMI and take the misĆ
sing control access into account in the program sequence of
the PLC.