Festo Контроллер позиционирования CPX-CMAX User Manual
Page 20
Contents and general safety instructions
Festo P.BE−CPX−CMA X−SYS−EN en 0908NH
Special functions in the different operating modes. e.g.:
Ĉ Jog mode
Ĉ Homing
By means of homing, the reference position and thereby the origin of the
dimension reference system of the axis are defined.
Digital input.
From the point of view of the master controller, the CMAX status outputs
are module input data. See section 4.5.
Digital inputs and outputs.
System function where specific characteristics of the connected axis are
determined by means of an identification run, e.g. break−away forces,
frictional behaviour, dynamics (maximum accelerations and speeds), etc.
Incremental position
measuring system
A position measuring system in which the measured variable refers to a
reference point and is determined by counting equally large measureĆ
ment steps (increments) with the CMAX encoder".
Jog mode
Manual travel in positive or negative direction.
Function for setting positions by approaching the target position,
e. g. by teaching records.
Logic 0
Input or output provides 0 V (also LOW, FALSE or logical 0).
Logic 1
Input or output provides 24 V (also HIGH, TRUE or logical 1).
Digital output
From the point of view of the master controller, the CMAX control inputs
are module output data. See section 4.5.
Output byte
Operating mode
Type of CMAX control, function or setpoint specification
Various settings which must be defined for system operation and be
saved in CMAX.
Programmable logic controller; for short: Controller
(also IPC: industrial PC).
Parameter number Ĉ each parameter has a number and subindex.
Position control
Control mode where a defined position is approached and held with