Figure 221: configure gvrp port settings menu – Allied Telesis AT-S63 User Manual

Page 647

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AT-S63 Management Software Menus Interface User’s Guide

Section VI: VLANs


The following prompt is displayed:

Enter port-list:

5. Enter a port or a list of ports.

The Configure GVRP Port Settings menu is shown in Figure 221.

Figure 221. Configure GVRP Port Settings Menu

6. Type 1 to select Port Mode.

The following prompt is displayed:

Enter mode (0-Normal, 1-None): [0 to 1] -> 0

7. Type 0 to select Normal or 1 to select None. A setting of Normal

means the port processes and propagates GVRP information. This is
the default setting. A setting of None prevents the port from processing
GVRP information and from transmitting PDUs.

8. After making changes, type R until you return to the Main Menu. Then

type S to select Save Configuration Changes.

Allied Telesyn Ethernet Switch AT-94xx - AT-S63


User: Manager

11:20:02 02-Mar-2005

Configure GVRP Port Settings

Configuring Port 1-8

1 - Port Mode ............. Normal

R - Return to Previous Menu

Enter your selection?