Modifying an snmpv3 community table entry – Allied Telesis AT-S63 User Manual
Page 510
Chapter 22: SNMPv3
Section IV: SNMPv3
Modifying an
Table Entry
For each entry in the SNMPv3 Community Table, you can modify the
following parameters:
Community Name
Security Name
Transport Tag
Storage Type
However, you cannot modify the Community Index parameter.
Although you can display the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c configuration
created with the procedures described in “Creating an SNMP Community
String” on page 101, you cannot modify these Community Table entries
with the SNMPv3 Tables.
See the following procedures:
“Modifying the Community Name” on page 510
“Modifying the Security Name” on page 512
“Modifying the Transport Tag” on page 512
“Modifying the Storage Type” on page 513
Modifying the Community Name
To modify the Community Name parameter in an SNMPv3 Community
Table entry, perform the following procedure:
1. Follow steps 1 through 5 in the procedure described in “Creating an
SNMPv3 User Table Entry” on page 430. Or, from the Main menu type
The Configure SNMPv3 Table menu is displayed Figure 148 on page
2. From the Configure SNMPv3 Table menu, type 9 to select Configure
SNMPv3 Community Table.
The SNMPv3 Community Table is shown in Figure 163 on page 507.
3. From the Configure SNMPv3 Community Table, type 3 to select Modify
SNMPv3 Table Entry.