Voicemail, Us and internatiional dialing – Samsung SCH-S960RWBTFN User Manual
Page 380

You can view your voicemail number from this menu.
1. From the Home screen, tap
2. Press
and then tap Call settings ➔ Voicemail service.
3. Tap Voice Mail.
4. If an additional voicemail service is in use (other than carrier),
tap Voice settings to now view your selected voicemail number
and information.
US and Internatiional Dialing
Similar to prefix dialing, these two menus allow you to use either a
default “011” entry when using the “+” dialing shortuct, or replace it
with a new user-defined set of digits.
To dial a U.S. long distance code:
1. From the Home screen, tap
2. Touch and hold
to display “+” on-screen. This shortcut
uses the International dialing prefix entered into the
International dialing menu. The default is “011”.
To change the International dialing prefix:
1. From the Home screen, tap
2. Press
and then tap Call settings.
3. Remove the check from the US dialing field and then tap the
International dialing field.
4. Use the on-screen keypad to delete the current entry and
replace it with a new one. Tap OK once complete.