Granting credentials, Revoking a credential grant, Remote administration procedures – HP Secure Key Manager User Manual

Page 67: Enabling the web admin user authentication feature

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Navigate to the Multiple Credentials for Key Administration section on the Administrator

Configuration page (Device > Administrators > Multiple Credentials).


Click Edit.


Select Require Multiple Credentials.


Specify the number of administrators required to perform configuration operations. There must be

at least as many administrators with High Access Administrator access control as are required

by this field.


To allow administrators to grant their credentials to other administrators for a limited time period

select Allow Time-Limited Credentials. Enter the time period in the Maximum Duration for

Time-Limited Credentials field.


Click Save.

Granting credentials

Prior to granting credentials, you must select Require Multiple Credentials and Allow Time-Limited

Credentials on the Multiple Credentials for Key Administration section.
To grant credentials:


Log in to the Management Console as an administrator with High Access Administrator access

control. This is the administrator that will grant credentials to another.


Navigate to the Grant a Credential section on the Administrator Configuration page (Device >

Administrators > Multiple Credentials).


Select the administrator that will receive the credentials in the Grant to field.


Enter the duration that the credentials will be granted. This value must be less that the Maximum

Duration for Time-Limited Credentials value in the Multiple Credentials for Key Administration section.


Select the operations for which you are granting credentials.


Click Grant. You can now view the granted credentials in the Credentials Granted section.

Revoking a credential grant

Prior to revoking a credential grant, you must have granted credentials.
To revoke a credential grant:


Log in to the Management Console as an administrator that has previously granted credentials.


Navigate to the Credentials Granted section on the Administrator Configuration page (Device >

Device Configuration > Administrators > Multiple Credentials).


Click Delete/Revoke. The credential grant will be removed from the system.

Remote administration procedures

Enabling the Web Admin User Authentication feature

The Web Admin User Authentication feature requires a client certificate signed by the local CA on the


Signing a certificate request and downloading the certificate

This section describes how to sign a certificate request with a local CA and then download the certificate.

You must download the certificate immediately after it is signed by the CA.
To sign a certificate request with a local CA:

Secure Key Manager