Snmp agent settings, 118 viewing the snmp agent settings section, The snmp configuration page – HP Secure Key Manager User Manual
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Community: A community, also referred to as a community string, is used by the agent when it is
communicating with an NMS running SNMPv1/v2. A community functions more like a password than
its name suggests. In combination with the IP address/subnet mask specified for a community, the
community name determines from where the SKM accepts a request for information. A community
should be defined on both the agent and the NMS.
Username: In combination with the security and authentication pieces of the User–based Security Model
(USM), the username determines from where the agent accepts SNMP requests. Also called a security
name, the username is used by the agent when communicating with an NMS running SNMPv3. A
username always has an associated security level and access level. Additionally, you can specify an
authorization password. Like a community name, a username should also be defined on the agent and
the NMS.
Notification: Notification is a generic term that refers to Traps and Informs – messages that an agent might
send to an NMS. Traps are simply data packets sent out by the agent that require no acknowledgement
from the NMS. Informs are similar to traps, but they require acknowledgement from the NMS.
MIB: MIB is short for Management Information Base. MIBs define what kind of information can be
exchanged between the agent and the NMS. MIBs can be either Standard or Enterprise. Standard
MIBs are common to all SNMP systems; whereas Enterprise MIBs are particular to the HP hardware
and software.
The SNMP Configuration page
The SNMP Configuration page enables you to configure the HP agent, which is capable of
communicating with management stations that run SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3. There is only one
HP agent, whereas there might be multiple management stations.
This page contains the following sections:
– Changes to the SNMP Agent Settings section apply to all management
stations, usernames and communities defined on the SKM.
• SNMPv1/SNMPv2 Community List
– This section of the SNMP configuration page is where you
define from which SNMPv1/v2 management stations the SKM receives SNMP MIB requests.
– The SNMPv3 Username List defines from which SNMPv3 management
stations the SKM receives SNMP MIB requests. Because SNMPv3 offers authentication and
privacy, there is more to configure when creating an SNMPv3 Username as opposed to a
• SNMP Management Station List
– This section lists the management stations defined on the SKM.
• Create SNMP Management Station
– The Create SNMP Management Station section is where you
configure outbound SNMP traffic on the SKM. Whereas creating usernames and communities is
particular to a specific version of SNMP, management stations are common to all three version of
SNMP. This section is where you define which management stations that the agent sends traps to.
SNMP Agent Settings
The SNMP Agent Settings section controls whether SNMP traps are enabled on the SKM, the IP address
on which SNMP in enabled, and the port on which the SKM listens for requests from the NMS. Changes
to the SNMP Agent Settings section apply to all other SNMP settings defined on the SKM.
Figure 118 Viewing the SNMP Agent Settings section
The following table describes the components of the SNMP Agent Settings section.
Using the Management Console