Modify query, 54 viewing saved queries section, 55 viewing the modify query section – HP Secure Key Manager User Manual

Page 117: 34 saved queries section components

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Figure 54 Viewing Saved Queries section
Table 34 Saved Queries section components



Query Name

Displays the name of the query.


Displays a description of the query.


Click Modify to access the Modify Query section and alter the saved query. Once

you’ve made your changes, you can save and run the query, save the query, or run

the query without saving


Click Delete to remove the query from the Appliance.


Click Run to execute the query.

Modify Query

Use this section to change an existing query. You can alter the query name, description, selection

criteria, and the columns returned. You may then save and run the query, save the query, or run the

query without saving.

Figure 55 Viewing the Modify Query section


You cannot greatly modify the built-in query [All]. The Appliance will only permit you to change the

Columns Shown values.

Secure Key Manager