HP Secure Key Manager User Manual
Page 270
hostname# fips server
Enable FIPS Status Server [y]:
Available IP addresses:
Local IP (1-2)[1]:
Local Port [9081]:
You can view the FIPS Status Report by accessing http:// Port>/status.html. Related command(s) • show fips server reset factory settings zeroize – zeroize all keys and passwords on the device. Syntax NOTE: For security purposes, this command can only be run from the CLI at the console. You cannot execute this command remotely via the CLI over SSH or from the Management Console. hostname# reset factory settings zeroize Related command(s) • reset factory settings security settings – change the status of security-related functionality on the SKM. select Set FIPS Compliance in the FIPS Compliance section. IMPORTANT: When you enable FIPS compliance on the SKM, the functionality displayed here is disabled. Modifying any of the items in the High Security Settings section immediately takes the device out of FIPS compliance. This section should be used to review the key and device security functionality that has been disabled for full FIPS compliance. When the device is FIPS-compliant, do not alter these settings. IMPORTANT: According to FIPS requirements, you cannot enable or disable FIPS when there are keys on the SKM. You must manually delete all keys before enabling and disabling FIPS compliance. Keys are zeroized upon deletion. We strongly recommend that you back up your keys before deleting. For more information, see Using advanced security features Syntax hostname# security settings Related command(s) • show security settings show security settings – view the status of security-related functionality on the SKM. NOTE: This functionality must be disabled for FIPS compliance. These settings are automatically configured when you select Set FIPS Compliance in the FIPS Compliance section. For more information, see 270 Using the Command Line Interface
This functionality must be disabled for FIPS compliance. These settings are automatically configured when you
Disable Creation and Use of Global Keys [y]:
Disable Non-FIPS Algorithms and Key Sizes [y]:
Disable RSA Encryption and Decryption [y]:
Disable FTP for Certificate Import, Backup, and Restore [y]:
Disable Certificate Import through Serial Console Paste [y]:
Disable Hotswappable RAID Drives [y]: