Cluster settings, 105 viewing the cluster settings section, 84 cluster members section components – HP Secure Key Manager User Manual

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Table 84 Cluster Members section components



Server IP

The IP of the member device.

Server Port

The port on which the device listens for cluster administration requests.


The cluster port (typically 9001) must be different from the KMS Server port

(typically 9000).


The device’s current status. Valid values are:

Active: The device is currently connected to the cluster.

Inactive: The device is currently not connected to the cluster.

Pending Refresh: The exact status of the device is unknown either because the

device is currently synchronizing with the cluster or because there was no direct

communication with that server. View the system log for information about

synchronizations. You can click Test All to update the status of each cluster


Software Version

Displays the server software running on the server.

Refresh List

Click Refresh List to update the list of server IPs that are members of this cluster. The

local server will communicate with the IP selected in the Server IP field. This will not

update the Status of each cluster member.

Synchronize With

Click Synchronize With to manually synchronize the local device with the selected

cluster member. You must synchronize the local device with the cluster if the device

was unavailable during a replication process.


Synchronizing the local device with the cluster overwrites the existing

configuration, which may include keys. You can access overwritten information

using the synchronization backup. If you have any keys that only exist on the

local device, you can use the backup and restore features to copy them to

another SKM before synchronizing the local device.

Test All

Click Test All to verify the local device’s connection to all the members of this cluster.

This will update the Status for each cluster member.

Cluster Settings

If this device is part of a cluster, this section displays the IP and port on which this device listens for cluster

updates, and the status of the cluster key. If this device is not part of a cluster, this section displays

no information.

Figure 105 Viewing the Cluster Settings section

The following table describes the components of the Cluster Settings section.

Secure Key Manager