Syslog settings, 117 log rotation properties section components – HP Secure Key Manager User Manual
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Table 117 Log Rotation Properties section components
Log Name
One of the predefined log names supported by the SKM. Log types are: System,
Audit, Activity, and Client Event.
Rotation Schedule
Specifies the frequency of log rotation. When a log is rotated, the current log file is
closed and a new log file is opened. Supported log rotation frequencies are Daily,
Weekly, and Monthly. See
for more information.
Rotation Time
Specifies the time of day when the log rotation occurs.
Stagger Rotation So
Last Log in Cluster
Rotates at
Enter the start time for the last log rotation in the cluster. The system calculates the
rotation times of all devices in the cluster based on this value and the Rotation Time.
This field is only available for devices in a cluster that replicates log configuration.
Num Logs Archived
Number of files to retain. Once this limit is reached, a new log file causes the oldest
log file to be removed. The maximum number of log files you can retain is 64; the
minimum is 0.
Max Log File Size
Specifies the maximum size log file. When the log file reaches the log file size limit,
the system rotates the current file and begins writing to a new file.
Transfer Type
Specifies the method for transferring the log file to its destination. FTP or SCP indicate
that the log file will be sent via FTP or SCP to the specified hostname. None implies
that the log files will be stored internally on the SKM.
Specifies the name of the host to which the file will be sent, when the transfer type
is FTP or SCP.
Specifies the location of the file on the host.
Specifies the username used for logging into the host.
Specifies the password used for logging into the host.
Click Edit to alter the log rotation properties.
Click Back to return to the Log Configuration page.
Syslog Settings
To enable syslog, select a type of log, and click Edit. Specify a hostname or IP address of the primary log
server (Syslog Server #1) and the port that the syslog server is listening on. You can optionally specify a
backup syslog server by entering an IP address and port for the Syslog Server #2 IP and Syslog Server
#2 Port fields. Click Save when you are done.
Using the Management Console