Catalyst stores page – HP StoreOnce Backup User Manual

Page 99

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The Ports section is a mirror of the VTL Fibre Channel Settings tab; see

“Fibre Channel Settings

tab” (page 21)

. It displays the status and defines the speed and topology of each port. Click Edit

to edit the speed, topology, and beacon settings. See

Table 6 (page 21)

for details on the settings.

The Devices section displays the status and defines the Fibre Channel Address, World Wide Node
Name (WWNN), World Wide Port Name (WWPN), and Number of logins per port. The WWNN,
WWPN, and Number of logins per port are zoned in with the client Fibre Channel ports and
cannot be changed.

Click Edit to change the maximum number of devices per initiator port. On Linux systems, it is
possible that a client HBA port can open multiple concurrent Catalyst over Fibre Channel connections
to a target StoreOnce Fibre Channel port and therefore it is sufficient to have a device count of 1.
On Windows, this is not possible. The number of devices per initiator port should be increased
when multiple backup streams are required so that multiple LUNs are presented to the client.

Catalyst Stores page

Select StoreOnce Catalyst—Stores from the Navigator to display the Stores page and tabs.

The top half of the Stores page shows all stores configured for the couplet. The Service Set is shown
in the right-hand column. Click on a store to display its details in the lower half of the page. Users
with an Admin login may edit these settings or delete stores, and may also create new stores.

The lower half of the page has the following tabs:

Store Details tab (page 100)

, includes functions for creating and managing stores

Permissions tab (page 103)

Item Summary tab (page 103)

Data jobs tab (page 105)

Outbound copy jobs tab (page 108)

Inbound copy jobs tab (page 112)

Table 27 Store fields



The name of the store. This may be created manually through the HP StoreOnce Backup system
or generated by the backup application.


The version of the store.


The status of the store. When you create a store you will see the status change until it becomes


Catalyst Stores page