Storeonce catalyst blackout windows tab – HP StoreOnce Backup User Manual
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Table 26 StoreOnce Catalyst Clients fields (continued)
client. For example, there may be multiple media servers sharing the same ID;
so, the identifier is not a client machine name or a name generated by the
software. Best practice is to ensure that the name created on the backup
application is meaningful for use in searches on the StoreOnce Backup system.
This is a description that can be included on the StoreOnce Backup system
when the administrator adds a client.
If the client backup application supports this, you can provide a client password
(client passwords are optional and can also be left blank). Once set, any client
that connects will need to supply the password along with their client id. Refer
to your client application's documentation for further details.
If the client application supports it, you may also enable clients to create stores
remotely from this tab. Refer to your client application's documentation for
further details.
Allow Store Creation
If the client backup application supports this, you can manage the server from
the client backup application rather than the HP StoreOnce Backup system.
Manage Server Properties
When enabled, four settings can be managed through the backup application:
Blackout Windows, Throttling Windows, Max number of Data jobs, and Max
number of Copy Jobs. Refer to your client application's documentation for
further details.
If the backup application supports this, you can remotely manage which Client
IDs exist in the system and which Client IDs are able to access which stores.
Manage Client Permissions
Only enable this if the backup software supports this feature. Refer to your client
application's documentation for further details.
When enabled, this feature allows anyone with access to the
backup application the ability to change the Client ID settings, thereby giving
users on one system control over and full access to all backup targets.
A Client ID must be defined from the GUI and then enabled for this
feature before a backup application using that Client ID can connect to the
StoreOnce appliance and further manipulate data for other Client IDs.
StoreOnce Catalyst Blackout Windows tab
The fields at the top of this tab show the System Time and whether a Blackout Window is currently
active or not. The information below displays the start and stop times of any blackout windows
that have been configured for outbound copy jobs.
Users with an Admin login may specify times when outbound copy jobs should not occur, for
example during planned maintenance or heavy network traffic. Multiple blackout windows may
be configured.
Blackout windows override any attempts by ISV software to perform Catalyst Copies. ISV software
will retry continually until a blackout window is finished.
Blackout windows are available on most StoreOnce functions to ensure all StoreOnce
services run efficiently and do not compete for resources. For example, if running backup, restore,
replication, and Catalyst Store operations with no break (24 hours a day), housekeeping cannot
complete and performance will suffer. This is a complex subject; see also HP StoreOnce Backup
system Concepts and Configuration Guidelines.
HP StoreOnce Catalyst functions