Storeonce catalyst terminology, Storeonce catalyst page, Benefits of hp storeonce catalyst – HP StoreOnce Backup User Manual

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Benefits of HP StoreOnce Catalyst

The backup application is in full control of data for the full lifecycle of the backup data.

The backup application has full visibility of all items and jobs on the HP StoreOnce Backup

Deduplication can occur on either the media server or HP StoreOnce Backup system, which
ensures efficient use of the available bandwidth.

There is no limiting geometry, such as cartridges for VTL libraries.

There is no enforced limit on the number of items within a store.

Copy jobs are instigated from the application and have none of the complexities of replication

Space reclamation is much more automated and easier to implement if catalyst devices types
are used.

StoreOnce Catalyst terminology

StoreOnce Catalyst: the name of the StoreOnce function.

StoreOnce Catalyst stores: the targets/device types in which backups are stored on the HP
StoreOnce Backup system.

StoreOnce Catalyst Federated stores: a group of up to four service sets within the same cluster
that share backup jobs as a team on the HP StoreOnce Backup system.

StoreOnce Catalyst items: the items stored in the StoreOnce Catalyst stores on the HP StoreOnce
Backup system.

StoreOnce Catalyst clients: the generic term for applications that connect using the StoreOnce
Catalyst interface.

Data jobs: any backup or restore job.

StoreOnce Catalyst Optimized Backups: one of the main advantages of HP StoreOnce Catalyst
is that deduplication may occur on either the media server or the HP StoreOnce Backup system.
If deduplication occurs on the media server, only unique data is sent to the HP StoreOnce
Backup system and a low bandwidth network link is adequate. If the media server sends all
the data and deduplication is carried out on the HP StoreOnce Backup system, a high
bandwidth network link is required. It is often faster to deduplicate on the media server due
to the combined CPU power of multiple media servers and reduced network traffic. However,
actual performance varies depending upon the data and disk I/O speeds.

Copy jobs: allow backup applications to create true copies of the data and not mirror images.
The backup application specifies the store on the source StoreOnce Backup system for the
outbound copy job and a target store on the destination StoreOnce Backup system for the
inbound copy job. Once copied, the two versions are independent of each other; on either
the source or destination StoreOnce Backup system data may subsequently be deleted, moved,
or added to, as required, from the backup application.

StoreOnce Catalyst Optimized Copy: all copy jobs are optimized. This means that the copy
job is completed in a bandwidth-efficient manner. The two stores negotiate so that only unique
data is transferred.

StoreOnce Catalyst page

This page has a number of tabs that provide access to the following StoreOnce Catalyst functions:

StoreOnce Catalyst status tab (page 93)

StoreOnce Catalyst settings tab (page 94)

StoreOnce Catalyst terminology