HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 99

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The top pool-VOL cannot be deleted from the pool in the future. Take care when

configuring tiers because the tier to which the top pool-VOL belongs also can never be

When adding external volumes, note the following:

- Cache Mode of the external volumes to be added must all be enabled, or all disabled.

- An internal volume and an external volume whose Cache Mode is set to Disable cannot

- An external volume whose Cache Mode is set to Enable and an external volume whose
Cache Mode is set to Disable cannot coexist.


Filter the appearance of the list, if desired.

- Click Filter to open the menu, specify the filtering, and then click Apply.

- Click Select All Pages to select all pool-VOLs in the table.

- Click Options to specify the unit of volumes or the number of rows to display.

- To change a pool-VOL to the top pool-VOL in the Selected Pool Volumes table, select
the pool-VOL and then click Change Top Pool Vol.


Click OK.

The information in the Selected Pool Volumes table is applied to Total Selected Pool
Volumes and Total Selected Capacity.


In Pool Name, specify a name for this pool:


In Prefix, type the characters that will become the fixed characters for the beginning of
the pool name. The characters are case-sensitive.


In Initial Number, type the initial number that will follow the prefix name.


Click Option.

10. In Initial Pool ID, type the number of the initial pool ID from 0 to 127.

The next available number is entered by default. No number appears if no available pool IDs
exists. When the registered pool ID is entered, the next available pool ID automatically
registered among the subsequent pool ID that was entered.

11. In Subscription Limit, type an integer value from 0 to 65534 as the subscription rate (%) for

the pool. If blank, the subscription rate is set to unlimited.

12. In Warning Threshold, type an integer value from 1 to 100 as the rate (%) for the pool. The

default is 70%.

13. In Depletion Threshold, type an integer value from 1 to 100 as the rate (%) for the pool. The

default is 80%. The value must be more than the value of Warning Threshold.

14. If you enabled tiers (above), then configure Smart Tiers as follows:


From Tier Management, select Auto or Manual. Normally you select Auto.

- Auto: performance monitoring and tier relocation will be performed automatically.

- Manual: you can manually monitor performance and relocate tiers using RAID Manager


From the Cycle Time list, select the cycle of performance monitoring and tier relocation.

- 24 Hours: (default), performance monitoring and tier relocation are performed once a

In Monitoring Period, specify the start and end time of performance monitoring from
00:00 to 23:59 (default).

- Select one or more hours between the starting time and ending time. Starting time must
be before the ending time. If you specify the starting time later than the ending time, the

Working with pools