HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 155

In the Port tree, select a port or host group on which you want to register user information of
a host.
The user information of hosts currently registered on the selected port or host group appears
in the Authentication Information (Host) list below the Authentication Information (Target) list.
You can register user information of a host even if the port status is
. In this case, however,
the registered user information of a host is ignored.
Right-click any point in the Authentication Information (Host) list and select Add New User
Information. The Add New User Information (Host) dialog box opens.
In this dialog box, specify the following user information of the host you want to allow
Group Name: Specify the group name of host bus adapter. Select one from the list. In
the list, all the group names of host bus adapters connected to the selected port by the
cable appear.
User Name: Specify the WWN of the host bus adapter with up to 16 characters. You
can use alphanumeric characters in a user name.
Secret: Specify the secret (that is, a password used in CHAP authentication) between 12
to 32 characters.
You can use alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following symbols in a secret: . -
+ @ _ = : [ ] , ~
Re-enter Secret: Specify the secret, again, for confirmation.
Protocol: Specify the protocol used in the user authentication. This protocol is fixed to
Click OK to close the Add New User Information (Host) dialog box. The specified user
information of the host is added in blue in the Authentication Information (Host) list of the
Authentication window.
Click Apply in the Authentication window. A message appears asking whether to apply the
settings to the storage system.
Click OK to close the message. The setting are applied to the storage system.
Changing host user information registered on a host group
You can change the registered user name or secret of a host, and enable and disable authentication
settings after registration.
You cannot change the WWN when you change user information.
On the menu bar, select Actions, Port/Host Group, and then Authentication.
In the Authentication window, click
to change to Modify mode.
In the Port tree, expand the Fibre folder and select a port or host group on which the user
information you want to change is registered.
All the user information of the hosts registered on the selected port or host group appears in
the Authentication Information (Host) list below the Authentication Information (Target).
In the User Information (Host) list, right-click a user information item that you want to change
and select Change User Information. The Change User Information (Host) dialog box opens.
Change the user information of the host in the Change User Information (Host) dialog box.
You can change the specifications of User Name, and Secret.
Click OK to close the Change User Information (Host) dialog box. The user information of the
host is changed in blue in the Authentication Information (Host) list of the Authentication
Setting fibre channel authentication