Thin provisioning, Dka encryption, External storage access manager – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 35

Thin Provisioning
The following table provides information about specific Thin Provisioning conditions that must be
observed when using Resource Partition.
Operation name
The ID of the new LDEV for Thin Provisioning must be assigned to the Storage
Administrator group permitted to manage them.
Create LDEVs
Both the deleted LDEV and the pool VOLs of the pool where the LDEV belongs must
be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.
Delete LDEVs
Volumes to be specified as pool-VOLS must be assigned to the Storage Administrator
group permitted to manage them.
Create pools
Expand pools
All the volumes that are specified when creating a pool must belong to the same
resource group.
Pool-VOLs of the specified pool must be assigned to the Storage Administrator
group permitted to manage them.
Edit pools
Delete pools
The V-VOL must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to
manage them.
Expand V-VOL
You can complete only the SIM that concerns the resources that are assigned to
the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.
Complete SIMs
You can reclaim or stop reclaiming zero pages only for the V-VOLs that are assigned
to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.
Reclaim zero pages
Stop reclaiming zero pages
DKA Encryption
The following table provides information about specific DKA Encryption conditions that must be
observed when using Resource Partition.
Operation name
When you specify a parity group and open the Edit Encryption window, the
specified parity group and LDEVs belonging to the parity group must be assigned
to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.
Edit Encryption
When you open the Edit Encryption window without specifying a parity group,
more than one parity group and LDEVs belonging to the parity group must be
assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage them.
External Storage Access Manager
The following table provides information about specific External Storage Access Manager conditions
that must be observed when using Resource Partition.
The system configuration for resource group settings should be the same for External Storage Access
Manager in both the primary and secondary sites.
Operation name
P-VOLs and quorum disks must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group
permitted to manage them.
Create pairs
Initiator ports for the logical paths that are configured between P-VOLs and the
RCU must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage
P-VOLs must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted to manage
Change pair options
Using Resource Partition and other HP P9500 products