Edit uuids wizard, Edit uuids window – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

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Edit UUIDs wizard

Edit UUIDs window



Type the UUID prefix.


For an OpenVMS server host, use a number from 1 to 32,767. For a server
host other than OpenVMS, use up to 64 ASCII characters (letters, numerals,
and symbols).

The following rules apply to UUID:

The following characters cannot be used: \ / : , ; * ? " < > |

A space character cannot be used for the first and the last characters.

UUIDs are case-sensitive. For example, Abc and abc are different UUIDs.

The maximum value that can be set depends on the number of digits entered.
For example:

If a one-digit number (1 to 9) is entered, the maximum value is 9 (the
largest value in a one-digit number).

If a two-digit number (10 to 99) is entered, the maximum value is 99
(the largest value in a two-digit number).

If a three-digit number (100-999) is entered, the maximum value is 999
(the largest value in a three-digit number).

To start the "Initial Number" from a one-digit number (1 to 9), and set
99 as the maximum value, add "0" to the number you want to start (for
example, 0+1 -> 01).

If the host mode is OpenVMS, when users enter 01, the maximum value
is set as 99. But in that case, when displaying the value, added "0" is
removed from the entered number. (for example, 01 changes into 1)

Type the initial number if you want to add the sequential number to UUIDs.

Initial Number

The following rules apply to the initial number.


1: Up to 9 numbers are added (1, 2, 3 ... 9)

08: Up to 92 numbers are added (08, 09, 10 ... 99)

(If the host mode is OpenVMS, the numbers are: 8, 9, 10 ... 99)

23: Up to 77 numbers are added (23, 24, 25 ... 99)

340 LUN Manager GUI reference