HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 213

Detailed calculation of the LDEV capacity differs depending on the
specification of the unit. For details, see
“VLL size calculations” (page 45)
Specify the number of LDEVs to create in a free space, pool, or the external
Number of LDEVs per Free Space, Number
of LDEVs, or Number of LDEVs per External
Specify the LDEV name, using up to 32 characters.
Prefix: Fixed character string.
Initial Number: Initial number.
Specify the prefix characters and the initial number according to these
1: Up to 9 numbers are added (1, 2, 3 ... 9)
08: Up to 92 numbers are added (08, 09, 10 ... 99)
23: Up to 77 numbers are added (23, 24, 25 ... 99)
098: Up to 902 numbers are added (098, 099, 100 ... 999)
Select the format type to be used on this LDEV. This is available when an
internal or external volume is used.
Format Type
Quick Format: Quick formatting (default). Select this when the
provisioning type is for other than an internal volume. This option is
available when creating an LDEV in an internal volume.
Write-to-Control Blocks: Select this when the provisioning type is for a
mainframe external volume. The management area of external volumes
for mainframe systems will be overwritten. This is the default option for
an external volume.
Normal Format: Normal formatting. This is the default for an external
volume. This option is available for formatting an internal volume, or
an external volume whose emulation type is OPEN.
No Format: Volumes will not be formatted. This option is available
when creating an LDEV in an internal or external volume.
Specify the LDEV identifier, which is the combination of LDKC, CU, and
LDEV. LDKC default is 00. Default of CU and DEV is 00:00.
Initial LDEV ID
For creating multiple LDEVs, select the interval of the assigned LDEV ID
from the Interval list.
Opens the View LDEV IDs window.
Specify the cache logical partition number, in ID:CLPR format.
For detailed information about CLPRs, see the HP P9000 Cache Partition
User Guide.
Specify the processor blade you want to assign to the LDEV.
Processor Blade
Select an identifier from MPB0 to MPB7. If automatic assignment is enabled
for one or more processors, you can also select Auto.
If Auto is enabled, the default is Auto. If Auto is disabled, the default is
the lowest number of the processor blade.
Specify the tiering policy to assign to the LDEV. All is selected by default.
You can change a tiering policy, from level 1 to level 5. You can specify
this option only when Smart Pool is available.
Tiering Policy
Check this option when creating an LDEV that will be used as a system
disk. Up to 16 system disks can be created in a storage system, although
using only one is recommended.
Create LDEVs as System Disk
Adds the LDEVs that have settings specified in the setting field is added to
the Selected LDEVs table.
Create LDEVs wizard