Weld limits tab – Lincoln Electric IM8002 POWER WAVE MANAGER User Manual
Page 53

Chapter 7. Network Settings
Power Wave® Manager User Manual
Table 7.2
Options on the Trace Tab
Trace type
This option helps you control how much data you collect with the
Continuous: Choose this option if you want the trace to keep
recording data until you click the Stop trace button, regardless
how long the trace is.
Stop when buffer full: Choose this option if you want the trace
to stop automatically when the buffer on the power source is
full of data.
Record outgoing packets and
Record incoming packets
The options in these sections allow you fine tune the amount of data
being buffered. Data buffers can only hold so much data. If you
carefully choose the type of messages you want to trace, you can fit
more messages into the trace.
Without restrictions: Choose this option to run the trace wide
open and including all data. This option fills the buffer very
quickly with fewer messages.
Only if data is different from previous: Choose this option to
include only those DeviceNet messages whose ID is different
from the previous message.
Only if ID, data are different from previous: Choose this option
to include only those DeviceNet messages where both the ID
and the data are different from the previous message.
Only if ID AND _____ = _____: Choose this option to include
only specific messages in the trace.
Weld Limits Tab
The Weld limits tab displays a list of all available Weld Modes supported by the Welding Power Source to
which you are currently connected, as well as basic information for each mode.
When you click on a Weld Mode, Power Wave® Manager displays the types of controls associated with it
(e.g., Workpoint, Trim, and Wave Control) and the outer limits of each control. These appear below the list
of Weld Modes (Figure 7.9). You can use this section to verify that the correct Weld Mode information is
being read over the DeviceNet connection.