Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual
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Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide
Example: Unbinding a real server from a VIP
if (false == OpenRCloseLog(true))
m_StreamWriter.WriteLine("{0}: --{1} {2}--", DateTime.Now,
sLogMessage, sLogMessage1);
//Update the underlying file.
// Name: Unbind-RS cmdlet
// Description: This cmdlet will be called when the user executes Unbind-RS
// in powershell after loading the unbinding.dll. This cmdlet
// is used to real server from the selected virtual server
// Parameters: DeviceName - The IP Adress of the ADX Box
// UserName - The user name associated with the ADX Box
// Password - The password associated with the ADX Box
// How to call: PS> import-module .\unbinding.dll
// Unbind-RS -DeviceName
[Cmdlet("Unbind", "RS")]
public class UnbindRSfromVIP : PSCmdlet
#region Parameters
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true)]
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty]//validates for empty value
public string DeviceName;
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true)]
public string UserName;
[Parameter(Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline = true)]
public string Password;
protected override void ProcessRecord()
//Get the utils class object
Utils objUtils = Unbinding.Utils.GetUtilsInstance();
//Open the log file to write
objUtils.WL("UnbindRSfromVIP START", "");
objUtils.WL("Establishing connection with ", DeviceName);
//Create the connection object and set the username and password
associated to it
objUtils.OpenConnection(ref DeviceName, ref UserName, ref
///Displays all the available virtual servers
//Displays all the virtual server ports associated with the
selected virtual server
ServerPort objVirtualServerPort = ShowAllVirtualServerPorts();
//Display all the real servers binded to the virtual server port
if (1 == ShowBindedRealServers(objVirtualServerPort))
objUtils.WL("UnbindRSfromVIP END", "");