Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

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Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide



Example: Adding and binding a real server and a VIP


my $context = ""; # When passed through command line options, overrides the

context used in the script

# Get the command arguments and check if any of the parameters must be overridden

by user specified values

# Command Line Usage:

# perl [--dut=ADX IP] [--username=ADX Login Username]

[--password=password] [--context=Context Name] [--transport=http/https]

GetOptions (

"dut:s" => \$dut,

"username:s" => \$username,

"password:s" => \$password,

"context:s" => \$context,

"transport:s" => \$transport


# Use the stored values if they are not meant to be overridden

# Values can be hard-coded here too, instead of passing in CLI

$dut = "" if ($dut eq "");

$username = "admin" if ($username eq "");

$password = "brocade" if ($password eq "");

$context= "" if ($context eq "");

$transport = "http" if ($transport eq "");

# Create a SOAP Object to connect to the SOAP Service on the DUT

my $slbsoap = SOAP::Lite->new (proxy => "$transport://$dut/WS/SLB");

my $syssoap = SOAP::Lite->new (proxy => "$transport://$dut/WS/SYS");

# Transport header with network credential



$slbsoap->transport->http_request->header('Authorization:' => 'Basic ' .


$syssoap->transport->http_request->header('Authorization:' => 'Basic ' .



# Set the URN and other properties of the SOAP Objects


$slbsoap->ns('urn:webservicesapi', 'urn');

$slbsoap->outputxml('true'); # Set this to false if SOM object is required instead

of XML output.



$slbsoap->autotype (0);


$syssoap->ns('urn:webservicesapi', 'urn');

$syssoap->outputxml('true'); # Set this to false if SOM object is required instead

of XML output.



$syssoap->autotype (0);

my $request_time;

my $response_time;

my $xml_result;

# Build the SOAP Header using the Context Name

my $slbsoap_header = SOAP::Header->name('urn:RequestHeader' =>

\SOAP::Header->value(SOAP::Header->name('context' => "$context")));

#### Create a Real Server ####