Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

Page 862

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Brocade Virtual ADX XML API Programmer’s Guide


Example: Unbinding a real server from a VIP



print LOG "Unbinding the Real Server Port from the Virtual Server\n";

# Note the time before making a SOAP Request

$request_time = &start_timer;

# Make the SOAP Call and store the XML result in a variable

# Response is stored in "$xml_result" as XML. Further action can be taken based on

the Response Content.

$xml_result =



# Get the elapsed time (Time taken for the SOAP Response to arrive after the

request was sent)

$response_time = &get_elapsed_time($request_time);

# Write the Time taken to the Test Case LOG File

print LOG "SOAP Response Time for the Unbind Operation: $response_time\n";

print LOG "===== Operation Complete =====\n\n";

#### Delete the Virtual Server ####


# Build the SOAP Request Message with the XML Context and Header

@slbsoap_body = (name('vip')->value([



print LOG "Deleting the Virtual Server\n";

# Note the time before making a SOAP Request

$request_time = &start_timer;

# Make the SOAP Call and store the XML result in a variable

# Response is stored in "$xml_result" as XML. Further action can be taken based on

the Response Content.

$xml_result =


# Get the elapsed time (Time taken for the SOAP Response to arrive after the

request was sent)

$response_time = &get_elapsed_time($request_time);

# Write the Time taken to the Test Case LOG File

print LOG "SOAP Response Time to Delete the Virtual Server: $response_time\n";

print LOG "===== Operation Complete =====\n\n";

#### Delete the Real Server ####


# Build the SOAP Request Message with the XML Context and Header

@slbsoap_body = (name('rs')->value([



# Note the time before making a SOAP Request

$request_time = &start_timer;

# Make the SOAP Call and store the XML result in a variable

# Response is stored in "$xml_result" as XML. Further action can be taken based on

the Response Content.

$xml_result =


# Get the elapsed time (Time taken for the SOAP Response to arrive after the

request was sent)

$response_time = &get_elapsed_time($request_time);

# Write the Time taken to the Test Case LOG File

print LOG "SOAP Response Time to Delete the Real Server: $response_time\n";

print LOG "===== Operation Complete =====\n\n";

#### Write Configuration in Memory to the Startup Config File ####


print LOG "Writing Configuration in Memory to Startup Config\n";

# Note the time before making a SOAP Request

$request_time = &start_timer;