Index – Texas Instruments TMS320C2XX User Manual
Page 564

* operand
*+ operand
*– operand
*0+ operand
*0– operand
*BR0+ operand
*BR0– operand
14-pin connector, dimensions
14-pin header
header signals
4-level pipeline operation
A0–A15 (external address bus)
shown in figure
ABS instruction
absolute value (ABS instruction)
shifting and storing high and low words, dia-
accumulator instructions
absolute value of accumulator (ABS)
add PREG to accumulator (APAC)
add PREG to accumulator and load TREG
add PREG to accumulator and multiply
add PREG to accumulator and square specified
value (SQRA)
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, and
move data (LTD)
accumulator instructions
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, and mul-
tiply (MAC)
add PREG to accumulator, load TREG, multiply,
and move data (MACD)
add value plus carry to accumulator
add value to accumulator (ADD)
add value to accumulator with shift specified by
add value to accumulator with sign extension
suppressed (ADDS)
AND accumulator with value (AND)
branch to location specified by accumulator
call subroutine at location specified by accumula-
tor (CALA)
complement accumulator (CMPL)
divide using accumulator (SUBC)
load accumulator (LACC)
load accumulator using shift specified by TREG
load accumulator with PREG (PAC)
load accumulator with PREG and load TREG
load high bits of accumulator with rounding
load low bits and clear high bits of accumulator
negate accumulator (NEG)
normalize accumulator (NORM)
OR accumulator with value (OR)
pop top of stack to low accumulator bits
push low accumulator bits onto stack
rotate accumulator left by one bit (ROL)
rotate accumulator right by one bit (ROR)
shift accumulator left by one bit (SFL)
shift accumulator right by one bit (SFR)