Texas Instruments TMS320C2XX User Manual
Page 406

Controlling and Resetting the Port
Bits 12–10
Reserved. Always read as 0s.
Bit 9
DIM — Delta interrupt mask. DIM selects whether or not delta interrupts
are asserted on the TXRXINT interrupt line. A delta interrupt is generated by
a change on one of the general-purpose I/O pins (IO3, IO2, IO1, or IO0).
DIM = 0
Disables delta interrupts.
DIM = 1
Enables delta interrupts.
Bit 8
TIM — Transmit interrupt mask. TIM selects whether transmit interrupts
are asserted on the TXRXINT interrupt line. A transmit interrupt is generated
by THRE (transmit register empty indicator in the IOSR) when the transmit
register (ADTR) empties.
TIM = 0
Disables transmit interrupts.
TIM = 1
Enables transmit interrupts.
Bit 7
RIM — Receive interrupt mask. RIM selects whether receive interrupts are
asserted on the TXRXINT interrupt line. A receive interrupt is generated by
one of these indicators in the IOSR: BI (break interrupt), FE (framing error),
OE (overflow error), or DR (data ready).
RIM = 0
Disables receive interrupts.
RIM = 1
Enables receiver interrupts.
Bit 6
STB — Stop bit selector. STB selects the number of stop bits used in trans-
mission and reception.
STB = 0
One stop bit is used in transmission and reception. This is
the default value at reset.
STB = 1
Two stop bits are used in transmission and reception.
Bit 5
CAD — Calibrate
A detect bit. CAD is used to enable and disable automatic
baud-rate alignment (auto-baud alignment).
CAD = 0
Disables auto-baud alignment.
CAD = 1
Enables auto-baud alignment.
Bit 4
SETBRK — Set break bit. Selects the output level of TX when the port is
not transmitting.
The TX output is forced high when the port is not
The TX output is forced low when the port is not