Texas Instruments TMS320C2XX User Manual

Page 544

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decode phase:

The phase of the pipeline in which the instruction is de-

coded. See also

pipeline; instruction-fetch phase; operand-fetch phase;

instruction-execute phase.

delta interrupt:

An asynchronous serial port interrupt (TXRXINT) that is

generated if a change takes place on one of these general-purpose I/O
pins: IO0, IO1, IO2, or IO3.

digital loopback mode:

A synchronous serial port test mode in which the

receive pins are connected internally to the transmit pins on the same de-
vice. This mode, enabled or disabled by the DLB bit, allows you to test
whether the port is operating correctly.


Delta interrupt mask bit. Bit 9 of the asynchronous serial port control

register (ASPCR); enables or disables delta interrupts.

DIO0–DIO3 bits:

Bits 4–7 of the IOSR. If the asynchronous serial port is en-

abled (the URST bit of the ASPCR is 1), these bits are used to track a
change from a previous known or unknown signal value at the corre-
sponding I/O pin (IO0–IO3). For example, DIO0 indicates a change on
the IO0 pin. See also

CIO0–CIO3 bits; IO0–IO3 bits.

direct addressing:

One of the methods used by an instruction to address

data-memory. In direct addressing, the data-page pointer (DP) holds the
nine MSBs of the address (the current data page), and the instruction
word provides the seven LSBs of the address (the offset). See also


rect addressing.


Two pins used together to determine the clock mode of the ’C2xx

clock generator (






2, or


4). (The ’C209 uses the CLKMOD pin

and has only two clock modes,


2 and



divide-down value:

The value in the timer divide-down register (TDDR).

This value is the prescale count for the on-chip timer. The larger the di-
vide-down value, the slower the timer interrupt rate.

DLB bit:

Bit 0 of the synchronous serial port control register (SSPCR); en-

ables or disables digital loopback mode for the on-chip synchronous seri-
al port. See also

digital loopback mode.



data page pointer (DP).

DR bit:

Data ready indicator for the receiver. Bit 8 of the I/O status register

(IOSR); indicates whether a new 8-bit character has been received in the
ADTR of the asynchronous serial port.

DR pin:

Serial data receive pin. A synchronous serial port pin that receives

serial data. As each bit is received at DR, the bit is transferred serially into
the receive shift register (RSR).
