3 select software page, 4 add patch info page, Example – FUJITSU ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 User Manual

Page 99: Point

background image


Initial password (confirm)

Specifies the same value as Initial password.


Resource tags

Enter up to 85 characters (excluding <, >, &, ", and ') for the character string that filters the resources to be displayed as deployment
destination VM pool/server pool options when creating a new L-Platform

The only resources displayed as options are those for which the character string in the VM pool/server pool comment field contains
the character string specified as the resource tags.


Example: If the specification is as follows, only /VMPool1 and /VMPool2 are displayed as options:

/VMPool1 comment: web

/VMPool2 comment: web

/VMPool3 comment: ap

Resource tags: web

Operation Procedure

The operation procedure on the Basic information page is as follows:


Set the various basic information items for the image information.


Click the Next button.

The Select Software page is displayed.


If an input item contains an error, and error message is displayed. If an error message is displayed, refer to the error message and correct
the setting. Select Software Page

On the Select Software page, set the software used in the cloning image in the image information.

Operation Procedure

The operation procedure on the Select Software page is as follows:


Select the check box for the software that will be set.


Click the Next button.

The Add Patch Info page is displayed.


If no selection is made or if multiple selections are made, an error message is displayed. Ensure that one selection is made. Add Patch Info Page

Add, change, or delete software patch information at the Add Patch Info page.

The Add Patch Info page is shown below.

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