5 deleting a tenant, Delete tenant, Displays the – FUJITSU ServerView Resource Orchestrator Cloud Edition V3.1.0 User Manual
Page 136: Delete tenant window, To delete the selected tenant
"31" indicates the day ending the period.
Changes will take effect the month after the monthly closing processing.
Next cut off date
Date when the monthly closing processing will next be performed.
This cannot be changed.
Accounting E-mail
Specify the email address to send the usage charges.
No email is sent if this is omitted.
Application process
Enter information related to application processes.
The input area is displayed only if Application process function is "Enable"
setting is used for the global settings.
Global setting/Unique
Select whether to use the global settings or unique settings.
"Global setting" is selected by default.
Clicking Global setting displays the Global setting dialog box.
Select whether approval is performed by the tenant administrator or
assessment is performed by the infrastructure administrator.
Approval/assessment settings will be displayed only if "Unique setting" is
The same settings as global settings are selected by default.
Ensure that there are no pending processes for the tenant when reconfiguring an application process. If there are pending
processes, check with the tenant administrator if reconfiguration is allowed.
Pending L-platforms can be checked using the listUnapprovalLplatform command (displays list of L-Platform applications).
Refer to "10.8 listUnapprovalLplatform (List of L-Platform Applications)" in the
"Reference Guide (Command/XML) CE" for information on the command.
If the application process settings are changed, the settings prior to reconfiguration will be used for users already logged in.
Click the Confirm button.
The confirmation window is displayed.
Check the contents being changed, and then click the Modify button.
The completion window is displayed.
Click the Back to Tenant List button to return to the Tenant List window.
11.5 Deleting a Tenant
The Delete Tenant window can be used to delete tenants. Up to 100 tenants can be deleted at once.
A tenant cannot be deleted if it has users or L-Platforms.
Check in the
and either move or delete any users or L-Platforms in the tenant targeted
for deletion before performing this operation.
Perform the following steps to delete a tenant:
In the Tenant List window, select the tenant or tenants to delete, and then click the Delete button.
The Delete Tenant window is displayed.
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