Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
Page 73

Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide
HORCM_DEV. The device parameter (HORCM_DEV) defines the RAID storage system device
addresses for the paired logical volume names. When the server is connected to two or more
storage systems, the unit ID is expressed by port# extension. Each group name is a unique
name discriminated by a server which uses the volumes, the attributes of the volumes (such
as database data, redo log file, UNIX file), recovery level, etc. The group and paired logical
volume names described in this item must reside in the remote server. The hardware
SCSI/fibre bus, target ID, and LUN as hardware components need not be the same.
The following values are defined in the HORCM_DEV parameter:
dev_group: Names a group of paired logical volumes. A command is executed for all
corresponding volumes according to this group name.
dev_name: Names the paired logical volume within a group (i.e., name of the special
file or unique logical volume). The name of paired logical volume must be different than
the “dev name” on another group.
Port#: Defines the RAID storage system port number of the volume that corresponds
with the dev_name volume. The following “n” shows unit ID when the server is
connected to two or more storage systems (e.g., CL1-A1 = CL1-A in unit ID 1). If the “n”
option is omitted, the unit ID is 0. The port is not case sensitive (e.g., CL1-A= cl1-a=
CL1-a= cl1-A).
Basic Option Option Option
CL1 An Bn Cn Dn En Fn Gn Hn Jn Kn Ln Mn Nn Pn Qn Rn
CL2 An Bn Cn Dn En Fn Gn Hn Jn Kn Ln Mn Nn Pn Qn Rn
The following ports can only be specified for the 9900V:
Basic Option Option Option
CL3 an bn cn dn en fn gn hn jn kn ln mn nn pn qn rn
CL4 an bn cn dn en fn gn hn jn kn ln mn nn pn qn rn
For 9900V, CCI supports four types of port names for host groups:
Specifying the port name without a host group:
CL1-An where n unit ID for multiple RAID
Specifying the Port name without a host group
CL1-A-g where g : host group
CL1-An-g where n-g : host group=g on CL1-A in unit ID=n