Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
Page 238

Chapter 4 Performing CCI Operations
Parameter Value
-h: Displays Help/Usage and version information.
-q: Terminates the interactive mode and exits the command.
-z or -zx (OpenVMS cannot use the -zx option): Makes the horctakeover command enter the interactive
mode. The -zx option guards performing of the HORCM in the interactive mode. When this option detects
a HORCM shutdown, interactive mode terminates.
-I[H][M][instance#] or -I[TC][SI][instance#] Specifies the command as [HORC]/[HOMRCF], and used
for specifying instance# of HORCM
executed for the specified group unless the -d
option is specified, the command is executed for the specified paired logical volume.
specified raw_device, and if the specified raw_device is contained in the group, the target volume is
executed as the paired logical volume (-d) or group (-dg). This option is effective without specification of
executed on the first group.
the specified LDEV, and if the specified LDEV is contained in the group, the target volume is executed as
the paired logical volume (-d) or group (-dg). This option is effective without specification of “-g
option. If the specified LDEV is contained in two or more groups, the command is executed on the first
group. The
-S: Selects and executes SVOL-takeover. The target volume of the local host must be an S-VOL. If this
option is specified, then the following “-l” option is invalid.
-l: Enables read and write to the primary volume(s) by a local host only without a remote host, and
executes PVOL-takeover when the primary volume cannot be used because it is fenced (fence = DATA or
STATUS, state = PSUE or PDUB, or PSUE or PDUB volume is contained in the group). If the primary
volume can be accessed, nop-takeover is executed. The target volume of the local host must be a P-VOL.
wait (in seconds) for swap-takeover and SVOL-takeover operation to synchronize the P-VOL and S-VOL.
If this timeout occurs, the horctakeover command fails with EX_EWSTOT. To avoid timeout, set this value
less than or equal to the start-up timeout value of the HA Control Script.
-nomsg: Suppresses messages to be displayed when this command is executed. This option must be
specified at beginning of a command argument. The command execution log is not affected by this option.
Returned values
Normal termination:
0: Nop-takeover (no operation).
1: Swap-takeover was successfully executed.
2: SVOL-takeover was successfully executed.
3: PVOL-SMPL-takeover was successfully executed.
4: PVOL-PSUE-takeover was successfully executed. (This value depends on the microcode level.)
5: SVOL-SSUS-takeover was successfully executed. (This value depends on the microcode level.)
Abnormal termination: other than 0-5, refer to the execution logs for error details.
Table 4.22 Specific Error Codes for Horctakeover
Error Code
Error Message
Recommended Action
Volume status
Unmatched volume status within
the group
Confirm status using pairdisplay command.
Make sure all volumes in the group have
the same fence level and volume attributes.
Inconsistent status in group
Confirm pair status using pairdisplay.