12 performing data protection operations, 1 raidvchkset command, Ction 4.12.1) – Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
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Chapter 4 Performing CCI Operations
4.12 Performing Data Protection Operations
CCI supports the following three commands to set and verify the parameters for protection
checking (Data Retention Utility, Database Validator) to each LU. The protection checking
functions are available on the USP V/VM, USP/NSC, and Lightning 9900V (not 9900).
raidvchkset (see section 4.12.1)
raidvchkdsp (see section 4.12.2)
raidvchkscan (see section 4.12.3)
For further information on Data Protection Operations, see section 2.7.
4.12.1 Raidvchkset Command
The raidvchkset command sets the parameters for validation checking of the specified
volumes, and can also be used to turn off all validation checking without specifying [type].
Unit of checking for the validation is based on the group of CCI configuration definition file.
Figure 4.32 shows examples of the raidvchkset command. Table 4.27 lists and describes the
raidvchkset command parameters.
Note: This command will be controlled as protection facility. This command will be rejected
with EX_ERPERM by connectivity checking between CCI and the RAID storage system.
raidvchkset -g oralog -vt redo8
É Sets volumes in oralog group as redolog file prior to Oracle9I.
raidvchkset -g oradat -vt data8 -vs 16
É Sets volumes in oradat group as data file that Oracle block size is 8KB.
raidvchkset -g oradat -vt data8 -vs 32
É Sets volumes in oradat group as data file that Oracle block size is 16KB.
raidvchkset -g oralog -vt
Å Releases all checking to volumes in oralog group.
raidvchkset –g oralog –vt rd10g
Å Sets Oracle10g volumes for oralog group as redolog file
raidvchkset –g oradat –vt rd10g –vs 16
Å Sets Oracle10g volumes for oradat group as data
file with block size of 8KB.
raidvchkset -g oralog -vg wtd
Å Disables writing to volumes in oralog group.
raidvchkset -g oralog -vg wtd 365
É Disables writing and sets retention time to volumes in oralog group.
raidvchkset -g oralog -vg
Å Releases all guarding to volumes in oralog group.
Figure 4.32 Raidvchkset Command Examples