14 cci command tools, 1 inqraid command tool, Section 4.14 – Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
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Chapter 4 Performing CCI Operations
4.14 CCI Command Tools
4.14.1 Inqraid Command Tool
CCI provides the inqraid command tool for confirming the drive connection between the
storage system and host system. The inqraid command displays the relation between special
file(s) on the host system and actual physical drive of the RAID storage system.
Table 4.46 lists and describes the inqraid command and parameters. Figure 4.60 shows
examples of using inqraid and system command to display the connection between special
file of STDIN and actual physical drive of storage system. Figure 4.61 - Figure 4.68 show
examples of the -find, -findc, -CLI, -sort [CM], -gvinf, and -svinf options.
Table 4.46 Inqraid Command Parameters
Command Name
/HORCM/usr/bin/inqraid [-h | quit | -inqdump | -f[x][p][l][g] | -find[c] |
| -gvinf | -svinf | -gplba | -pin | -fv(Windows only) ]
-h: Displays Help/Usage.
quit: Terminates from waiting STDIN and exits this command.
-inqdump: Displays information for standard inquiry with Dump Image of hexadecimal.
-fx: Displays the LDEV number with hexadecimal.
-find[c]: Finds the appropriate group within the configuration file using a special file provided by STDIN.
-find: Searches a group on the configuration definition file (local instance) from
using pairdisplay command, and uses the following options of the pairdisplay command to display its state.
This option must be specified HORCMINST as command execution environment.
For ShadowImage: pairdisplay -d
For Hitachi TrueCopy: pairdisplay -d
argument, this command makes mode that wait for STDIN without argument.
-findc: Uses the following options of the pairdisplay command, and displays with CLI format by editing an
output of pairdisplay command.
For ShadowImage: pairdisplay -d
For Hitachi TrueCopy: pairdisplay -d
No argument: Expects STDIN to provide the arguments.
-CLI: Displays structured column output for Command Line Interface (CLI) parsing. Also used for “-find”
option. The delimiters between columns can be spaces and/or dashes (-).
-CLIWP, -CLIWN: Displays the WWN (world wide name for HOST adapter) and LUN with CLI format, also
used for “-find” option.
-sort [CM]: Sorts the target devices by Serial#,LDEV# order.
[CM] Displays the command device only in horcm.conf image. This option is valid within “-sort” option
-gvinf (only Windows systems)
-gvinfex (for GPT disk on Windows 2008/2003): Gets the signature and volume layout information of a
raw device file provided via STDIN or arguments, and saves this information to the system disk with the
following format: \WindowsDirectory\VOLssss_llll.ini where ssss = serial#, llll = LDEV#
Normally this option is used to save the signature and volume layout information once after the user has
set the new partition for SVOL using the Windows Disk Management.