Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
Universal storage platform hitachi tagmastore
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide
- Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM
- Hitachi TagmaStore® Universal Storage Platform
- Hitachi TagmaStore® Network Storage Controller
- Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series
- Hitachi Lightning 9900™
- Preface
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Chapter 1 Overview of CCI Functionality
- Chapter 2 Overview of CCI Operations
- 2.1 Overview
- 2.2 Features of Paired Volumes
- 2.3 Overview of CCI ShadowImage Operations
- 2.4 Hitachi TrueCopy/ShadowImage Volumes
- 2.5 Applications of Hitachi TrueCopy/ShadowImage Commands
- 2.6 Overview of Copy-on-Write Snapshot Operations
- 2.7 Overview of CCI Data Protection Operations
- 2.8 CCI Software Structure
- 2.8.1 HORCM Operational Environment
- 2.8.2 CCI Instance Configurations
- 2.8.3 Host Machines that Can be Paired
- 2.8.4 Configuration Definition File
- 2.8.5 Command Device
- 2.8.6 Alternate Command Device Function
- 2.8.7 Command Interface with Hitachi TrueCopy/ShadowImage
- 2.8.8 Logical DKC per 64K LDEVs
- 2.8.9 Command Device Guarding
- 2.8.10 CCI Software Files
- 2.8.11 Log and Trace Files
- 2.8.12 User-Created Files
- 2.9 Configuration Definition File
- 2.10 Error Monitoring and Configuration Confirmation
- 2.11 Recovery Procedures for HA Configurations
- Chapter 3 Preparing for CCI Operations
- Chapter 4 Performing CCI Operations
- 4.1 Environmental Variables
- 4.2 Creating Pairs (Paircreate)
- 4.3 Splitting and Deleting Pairs (Pairsplit)
- 4.4 Resynchronizing Pairs (Pairresync)
- 4.5 Confirming Pair Operations (Pairevtwait)
- 4.6 Monitoring Pair Activity (Pairmon)
- 4.7 Checking Attribute and Status (Pairvolchk)
- 4.8 Displaying Pair Status (Pairdisplay)
- 4.9 Checking Hitachi TrueCopy Pair Currency (Paircurchk)
- 4.10 Performing Hitachi TrueCopy Takeover Operations
- 4.11 Displaying Configuration Information
- 4.12 Performing Data Protection Operations
- 4.13 Controlling CCI Activity
- 4.13.1 Horcmstart Command
- 4.13.2 Horcmshutdown Command
- 4.13.3 Horcctl Command
- 4.13.4 3DC Control Command using HORC/UR NEW
- 4.13.5 Windows Subcommands
- 4.13.6 Findcmddev Subcommand
- 4.13.7 Drivescan Subcommand
- 4.13.8 Portscan Subcommand
- 4.13.9 Sync and Syncd Subcommands
- 4.13.10 Mount Subcommand
- 4.13.11 Umount and Umountd Subcommands
- 4.13.12 Environment Variable Subcommands
- 4.14 CCI Command Tools
- 4.15 Synchronous Waiting Command (Pairsyncwait) for Hitachi TrueCopy Async/UR
- 4.16 Protection Facility
- 4.16.1 Protection Facility Specification
- 4.16.2 Examples for Configuration and Protected Volumes
- 4.16.3 Target Commands for Protection
- 4.16.4 Permission Command
- 4.16.5 New Options for Security
- 4.16.6 Permitting the Protected Volumes
- 4.16.7 Environmental Variables
- 4.16.8 Determining the Protection Mode Command Device
- 4.17 Group Version Control for Mixed Storage System Configurations
- 4.18 LDM Volume Discovery and Flushing for Windows
- 4.19 Special Facilities for Windows 2008/2003/2000 Systems
- 4.20 Host Group Control
- 4.21 Using CCI SLPR Security
- 4.22 Controlling Volume Migration
- Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
- Appendix A Maintenance Logs and Tracing Functions
- Appendix B Updating and Uninstalling CCI
- Appendix C Fibre-to-SCSI Address Conversion
- Acronyms and Abbreviations