7 starting cci as a service (windows systems) – Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
Page 178

Chapter 3 Preparing for CCI Operations
3.7 Starting CCI as a Service (Windows Systems)
Usually, CCI (HORCM) is started by executing the start-up script from the Windows services.
However, in the VSS environment, there is no interface to automatically start CCI. As a
result, CCI provides the following svcexe.exe command and a sample script
(HORCM0_run.txt) file so that CCI can be started automatically from the services:
Usage for adding [HORCM_START_SVC]: svcexe /A=command_path
for deleting [HORCM_START_SVC]: svcexe /D
for specifying a service: svcexe /S=service_name
for dependent services: svcexe /C=service_name,service_name
This command example uses HORCM0 for the registration of the service name for HORCM
Example for adding [HORCM0]: svcexe /S=HORCM0 “/A=C:\HORCM\tool\svcexe.exe”
for deleting [HORCM0]: svcexe /S=HORCM0 /D
for starting [HORCM0] :[1] make a C:\HORCM\tool\HORCM0_run.txt file.
:[2] set a user account to this service.
:[3] confirm to start by ‘horcmstart 0’.
:[4] confirm to stop by ‘horcmshutdown 0’.
:[5] start from a service by ‘net start HORCM0’.
Performing Additional Configuration Tasks
1. Registering the HORCM instance as a service.
The system administrator must add the HORCM instance using the following command:
C:\HORCM\tool\>svcexe /S=HORCM0 “/A=C:\HORCM\tool\svcexe.exe”
2. Customizing a sample script file.
The system administrator must customize the sample script file (HORCM0_run.txt)
according to the HORCM instance. For details, please refer to the descriptions in the
HORCM0_run.txt file.