Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual

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Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide


Table 4.26 Raidqry Command Parameters

Parameter Value

Command Name



raidqry { -h

⎪ -q ⎪ -z ⎪ -l ⎪ -r ⎪ [ -f ] | -g}


-h: Displays Help/Usage and version information.
-q: Terminates the interactive mode and exits the command.
-z or -zx (OpenVMS cannot use the -zx option): Makes the raidqry command enter the interactive mode.

The -zx option guards performing of the HORCM in the interactive mode. When this option detects a

HORCM shut down, interactive mode terminates.
-I[H][M][instance#] or -I[TC][SI][instance#] Specifies the command as [HORC]/[HOMRCF], and used

for specifying instance# of HORCM.
-l: Displays the configuration information for the local host and the local RAID storage system.
-r : Displays the configuration information for the remote host and the remote storage system

which contains the specified group.
-f: Displays the hostname (ip_address) as specified in the configuration definition file. Use this option if

“floatable IP address” is used for the hostname (ip_address) in the configuration file.
-g This option is used for displaying the lists of group name (dev_group) which described in the

configuration file of a local host (instance).

# raidqry -g
1 ora HTC_RAID 12 9 4 64
2 orb XP_RAID 12 9 4 64
3 orc HTC_DF 8 6 1 1


GNo: shows as order when the group name (dev_group) which described in the
configuration definition file.


Group shows the group name (dev_group) which described in the configuration definition


RAID_type shows the type of RAID configured a group.


IV/H:shows the interface version for HORC that made the consistence in a group, this is
used for the maintenance.


IV/M: shows the interface version for HOMRCF that made the consistence in a group, this
is used for the maintenance.


MUN/H: shows the number of maximum MUs for HORC/UR that made the consistence in
a group.


MUN/M: shows the number of maximum MUs for HOMRCF that made the consistence in a