Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual

Page 214

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Chapter 4 Performing CCI Operations

Parameter Value

Returned values

When the -ss option is not specified:


Normal termination:
1: The volume attribute is SMPL.

2: The volume attribute is P-VOL.

3: The volume attribute is S-VOL.


Abnormal termination: Other than 0 to 127, refer to the execution log files for error details.

When the -ss option is specified:


Abnormal termination: specific error codes (Table 4.14) and generic error (Table 5.3).


Normal termination:

11: The status is SMPL.
For Hitachi TrueCopy Sync/ShadowImage:
22: The status is PVOL_COPY or PVOL_RCPY.

23: The status is PVOL_PAIR.

24: The status is PVOL_PSUS.

25: The status is PVOL_PSUE.

26: The status is PVOL_PDUB (TrueCopy & LUSE volume only).

29: The status is PVOL_INCSTG (inconsistent status in group). Not returned.

32: The status is SVOL_COPY or SVOL_RCPY.

33: The status is SVOL_PAIR.

34: The status is SVOL_PSUS.

35: The status is SVOL_PSUE.

36: The status is SVOL_PDUB (TrueCopy & LUSE volume only).

39: The status is SVOL_INCSTG (inconsistent status in group). Not returned.
To identify TrueCopy Async/UR, the pairvolchk command returns a value which is 20 more than the

TrueCopy Sync status code and adds PFUL and PFUS states to return code to identify sidefile status of

TrueCopy Async or UR journal file.
For Hitachi TrueCopy Async and Universal Replicator:
42: The status is PVOL_COPY.

43: The status is PVOL_PAIR.

44: The status is PVOL_PSUS.

45: The status is PVOL_PSUE.

46: The status is PVOL_PDUB. (TrueCopy & LUSE volume only)

47: The status is PVOL_PFUL.

48: The status is PVOL_PFUS.

52: The status is SVOL_COPY or SVOL_RCPY.

53: The status is SVOL_PAIR.

54: The status is SVOL_PSUS.

55: The status is SVOL_PSUE.

56: The status is SVOL_PDUB. (TrueCopy & LUSE volume only)

57: The status is SVOL_PFUL.

58: The status is SVOL_PFUS.
For group status, see:





235: EX_EVOLCE ... When the -c option is specified only.

242: EX_ENORMT... When the -c option is specified only.
For a SnapShot Volume: The SnapShot needs to show the status of Full of the SnapShot Pool as

snapshot condition. For this purpose, SnapShot also uses PFUL and PFUS status which is the status of

Full of the sidefile for TrueCopy Async. The APP can refer this status as the return value.
22: The status is PVOL_COPY or PVOL_RCPY.

23: The status is PVOL_PAIR.

24: The status is PVOL_PSUS.

25: The status is PVOL_PSUE.

26: The status is PVOL_PDUB. (HORC && LUSE volumes only)

27: The status is PVOL_PFUL. (PAIR closing Full status of the SnapShot Pool)

28: The status is PVOL_PFUS. (PSUS closing Full status of the SnapShot Pool)

29: The status is PVOL_INCSTG. (Inconsistent status in group) ... Not returned
32: The status is SVOL_COPY or SVOL_RCPY.

33: The status is SVOL_PAIR.

34 The stat s is SVOL PSUS