6 cci startup, 1 startup for unix systems – Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual

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Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide


3.6 CCI Startup

After you have installed the CCI software (see section 3.3), set the configuration definition
file(s) (see section 3.4), and (for OpenVMS only) followed the porting requirements and
restrictions (see section 3.5), you can begin using the CCI software (HORCM) to perform
Hitachi TrueCopy and/or ShadowImage operations on the attached storage systems.

3.6.1 Startup for UNIX Systems

One Instance. To start up one instance of CCI on a UNIX system:

1. Modify /etc/services to register the port name/number (service) of the configuration

definition file. Make the port name/number the same on all servers.
horcm xxxxx/udp xxxxx = the port name/number of horcm.conf


If you want HORCM to start automatically each time the system starts up, add
/etc/ to the system automatic start-up file (e.g., /sbin/rc).

3. Execute the script manually to start the CCI instance:


4. Set the log directory (HORCC_LOG) in the command execution environment as needed.

5. If you want to perform Hitachi TrueCopy operations, do not set the HORCC_MRCF

environment variable. If you want to perform ShadowImage operations, set the
HORCC_MRCF environment variable for the HORCM execution environment.

For B shell:

# export HORCC_MRCF

For C shell:

# setenv HORCC_MRCF 1

# pairdisplay -g xxxx
xxxx = group name