3 software installation, 1 software installation for unix systems, Ion 3.3) – Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
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Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide
3.3 Software Installation
Installation of the CCI software on the host server(s) is performed by the user, with
assistance as needed from the Hitachi Data Systems representative.
3.3.1 Software Installation for UNIX Systems
If you are installing CCI from CD-ROM, please use the RMinstsh and RMuninst scripts on the
CD-ROM to automatically install and uninstall the CCI software. For other media, please use
the following instructions. Note: The following instructions refer to UNIX commands which
may be different on your platform. Please consult your operating system documentation
(e.g., UNIX man pages) for platform-specific command information.
New Installation into Root Directory:
1. Insert the installation medium into the proper I/O device.
2. Move to the current root directory: # cd /
3. Copy all files from the installation medium using the cpio command:
# cpio -idmu < /dev/XXXX XXXX = I/O device
Preserve the directory structure (d flag) and file modification times (m flag), and copy
unconditionally (u flag). For floppy disks, load them sequentially, and repeat the
command. An I/O device name of floppy disk designates a surface partition of the raw
device file (unpartitioned raw device file).
4. Execute the HORCM installation command: # /HORCM/horcminstall.sh
5. Verify installation of the proper version using the raidqry command:
# raidqry -h
Model: RAID-Manager/HP-UX
Ver&Rev: 01-22-03/02
Usage: raidqry [options]
New Installation into Non-Root Directory:
1. Insert the installation medium (e.g., CD-ROM) into the proper I/O device.
2. Move to the desired directory for CCI. The specified directory must be mounted by a
partition of except root disk or an external disk.
# cd /Specified Directory
3. Copy all files from the installation medium using the cpio command:
# cpio -idmu < /dev/XXXX XXXX = I/O device
Preserve the directory structure (d flag) and file modification times (m flag), and copy
unconditionally (u flag). For floppy disks, load them sequentially, and repeat the
command. An I/O device name of floppy disk designates a surface partition of the raw
device file (unpartitioned raw device file).
4. Make a symbolic link for /HORCM:
# ln -s /Specified Directory/HORCM /HORCM