Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
Page 278

Chapter 4 Performing CCI Operations
Num: Displays the number of LDEV configured the SnapShot pool.
LDEV#: Displays the first number of LDEV configured the SnapShot pool.
H(%): Displays the threshold rate being set to the SnapShot pool as High water mark.
‘Unknown’ will be shown as ‘-’.
# raidvchkscan -v pida 0
001 POLN 10 45000000 50000000 50 80 2 265 33 65000000
002 POLF 95 10000 100000000 50 80 3 270 900 100000000
004 POLN 0 10000000 100000000 80 90 2 280 0 0
Figure 4.50 Raidvchkscan Command Example with -v pida Option
Output of the raidqvchkscan command with -v pida option:
PID: Displays the HDP pool ID.
POLS: Displays the status of the HDP pool:
POLN = “Pool Normal”
POLF = “Pool Full”
POLS = “Pool Suspend”
POLE = “Pool failure”. In this state, information for the pool cannot be displayed.
U(%): Displays the usage rate of the HDP pool.
AV_CAP(MB): Displays the available capacity for the HDP volumes mapped to this pool.
TP_CAP(MB): Displays the total capacity of the HDP pool.
W(%): Displays the threshold rate for “WARNING” set for this HDP pool.
H(%): Displays the threshold rate set for the HDP pool as high water mark.
Num: Displays the number of LDEVs configured the HDP pool.
LDEV#: Displays the first number of LDEV configured the HDP pool.
LCNT: Displays the total number of HDP volumes mapped to this HDP pool.
TL_CAP(MB): Displays the total capacity of all HDP volumes mapped to this HDP pool.