3 host machines that can be paired – Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
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Chapter 2 Overview of CCI Operations
The four possible CCI instance configurations are:
One host connected to one storage system. Each CCI instance has its own operation
manager, server software, and scripts and commands, and each CCI instance
communicates independently with the command device. The RAID storage system
contains the command device which communicates with the CCI instances as well as the
primary and secondary volumes of both CCI instances.
One host connected to two storage systems. Each CCI instance has its own operation
manager, server software, and scripts and commands, and each CCI instance
communicates independently with the command device. Each RAID storage system has a
command device which communicates with each CCI instance independently. Each
storage system contains the primary volumes of its connected CCI instance and the
secondary volumes of the other CCI instance (located on the same host in this case).
Two hosts connected to one storage system. The CCI instances are connected via the
LAN so that they can maintain awareness of each other. The RAID storage system
contains the command device which communicates with both CCI instances and the
primary and secondary volumes of both CCI instances
Two hosts connected to two storage systems. The CCI instances are connected via the
LAN so that they can maintain awareness of each other. Each RAID storage system has a
command device which communicates with each CCI instance independently. Each
storage system contains the primary volumes of its connected CCI instance and the
secondary volumes of the other CCI instance (located on a different host in this case).
2.8.3 Host Machines that Can be Paired
Host machines are combined when a paired logical volume is defined, provided the host
machines run on the operating system (OS) of the same architecture. This is because the
host machine may be incapable of recognizing the paired volume of another host, although
the HORC management of them runs properly.
As a particular application uses HORC, users sometimes use HORC volume as the retention
volume for the data backup of the server. In this case, RAID Manager requires that the RAID
Manager instance corresponds to each OS platform that is located on the secondary site for
the pair operation of data backup on the primary servers of each OS platform.
However, it is possible to prepare only one server at a secondary site by supporting RAID
Manager communications among different OSs (including the converter for “little-endian” vs
Figure 2.22 represents RAID Manager’s communication among different OSs, and Table 2.9
shows the supported communication (32-bit, 64-bit, MPE/iX) among different OSs. Please
note the following terms that are used in the example:
RM-H: RAID Manager instance setting HORCMFCTBL environment variable for HP-UX on
RM-S: RAID Manager instance setting HORCMFCTBL environment variable for Solaris on