2 commands to control the volume migration – Hitachi TAGMASTORE MK-90RD011-25 User Manual
Page 349
Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide
4.22.2 Commands to Control the Volume Migration
(1) Command for volume migration
CCI supports the volume migration by adding an option (-m cc) to the paircreate
paircreate -g
mode = cc
This option is used to specify the Cruising Copy mode for the volume migration.
Note: This option cannot be specified with “-split” option in the same command.
The -vl option specifies “local”, and copies from the local instance LU(PVOL) to the
remote instance LU(SVOL), an original volume as the local instance LU is migrated
from PVOL to SVOL, and the physical volume mapping between PVOL and SVOL is
swapped after copied
The -vr option specifies “remote”, and copies from the remote instance LU(PVOL) to
the local instance LU(SVOL), an original volume as the remote instance LU is
migrated from PVOL to SVOL, and the physical volume mapping between PVOL and
SVOL is swapped after copied.
This option is used to specify a track size of the case which copies paired volume at
1-15 extents. When omits specification of this option, it uses a default value (3) for
a track size.
(2) Command for discovering an external volume
It is possible to discover the external volumes by using “-fe” option of the raidscan
raidscan -p
This option is used to display the serial# and LDEV# of the external LUNs only
mapped to the LDEV.
If the external LUN mapped to the LDEV on a specified port does not exist, then this
option will do nothing. Also if this option is specified, -f[f][g][d] option is not
[Display example]
# raidscan -p cl1-a-0 -fe -CLI
PORT# /ALPA/C TID# LU# Seq# Num LDEV# P/S Status Fence E-Seq# E-LDEV#
CL1-A-0 ef 0 0 8 62496 1 19 SMPL - - 30053 30
CL1-A-0 ef 0 0 9 62496 1 21 SMPL - - 30053 32
CL1-A-0 ef 0 0 10 62496 1 22 SMPL - - 30053 33
E-Seq#: Displays the production (serial) number of the external LUN.
E-LDEV#: Displays the LDEV# of the external LUN.