HP Anab EQ5 User Manual
Page 6

EQ5 AC Drive Operations Manual
TECO – Westinghouse Motor Company
Before Using This Product ···························· 1
1-1 Receiving Instructions ·························· 1
1-2 Appearance ······································· 1
1-3 Handling the Product ························· 2-3
1-4 Carrying and Moving the Product ··········· 3
1-5 Storage ·········································· 3-4
2. Installation and Electrical Connections ·········· 5
2-1 Operating Environment ························ 5
2-2 Installation Method ···························· 5-7
2-3 Electrical Connections ························· 8
2-3-1 Basic Power Electrical Connections ·· 8
Fig. 2-3-1 Basic Wiring Diagram.................9
2-3-2 Connecting Input power, Motor and
Ground Terminals ··················· 10-16
2-3-3 Connecting the Control Terminals 17-21
2-3-4 Input Protection Device Ratings ······· 22
2-3-5 Terminal Tightening Torque and
Cable Size ································· 23
2-3-6 DC Link Choke Wattage Loss…….....24
3. Initial Operation ······································ 25
3-1 Inspection and Preparation Before
Operation ·········································· 25
3-2 Operation Method ······························ 25
3-3 Trial Run ······································ 25-26
4. Digital Operator ······································ 27
4-1 Appearance of Digital Operator ········· 27-28
4-2 Digital Operator LCD screen,
Level Structure ··································· 28
4-2-1 Normal Operation ························ 28
4-2-2 Alarm Modes ·························· 28-29
4-3 Digital Operator Keypad Navigation ······· 30
4-3-1 Operation Mode ·························· 30
4-3-2 Setting the Output Frequency ········· 30
4-3-3 Switching to the LED Monitor ········· 31
4-3-4 Program Menu Screen ·················· 31
4-3-5 Setting the Parameter Values ····· 32-33
4-3-6 Checking Parameter Data ············· 33
4-3-7 Monitoring Operating Status ··········· 33
4-3-8 I/O Check ·································· 34
4-3-9 Maintenance Information ··············· 35
4-3-10 Load Rate Measurement ············· 36
4-3-11 Alarm Information ······················· 37
4-3-12 Alarm History and Possible
Reasons ··································· 38
4-3-13 Data Copy, Verify and Error
Processing ··························· 39-40
4-3-14 Alarm Mode ······························ 41
5. Parameters F,E,C,P,H, A and U ·················· 42
5-1 Parameter Summary List ················· 42-45
5-2 Parameter Explanation ··················· 46-86
6. Alarms Codes, Causes and Troubleshooting · 87
6-1 List of Alarm Codes and Causes ······· 87-88
6-2 Alarm Reset ····································· 89
6-3 Troubleshooting Alarm Codes and
Causes (Flowcharts)………….….……...90-96
7. Maintenance and Inspection ······················ 97
7-1 Daily Inspection ································· 97
7-2 Periodic Inspection ························ 97-99
Inspection Notes and Records..................100
7-3 Main Circuit Voltage, Current and Power
7-4 Insulation Test ································· 102
7-5 Parts Replacement ··························· 102
7-6 Inquiries about Damaged Products ······· 103
7-7 Warranty…………………………………….
8. Specifications ········································ 104
8-1 Standard Specifications ··············· 104-106
8-2 Common Specifications ····················· 107
8-3 Outline Dimensions and Weights ··· 108-111
8-4 RS-485 Modbus RTU Serial
Communications ······························· 112
8-4-1 Transmission Specification ············ 112
8-4-2 Connection ································ 112
8-4-3 Serial Interface Configuration ········· 112
8-4-4 Modbus RTU Functions ················ 112
8-4-5 Inverter Function Code Access ······ 113
8-4-6 Command and Monitor
Data Registers······················ 113-115
8-4-7 Data Format Specification ······· 115-119
8-4-8 Communication Errors ·················· 119
9. Options ················································ 120
10. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ········ 121
10-1 General ········································ 121
10-2 Recommended Installation
Instructions ···························· 121-124