3 mrpp protocol operation system, 2 mrpp configuration task list, 3 mrpp protocol operation system -14 – PLANET WGSW-52040 User Manual

Page 443: Mrpp, Onfiguration

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After primary node detects ring failure or receives LINK-DOWN

packet, open blocked secondary port, and then uses two ports

to send the packet, to inform each transfer node to refresh own

MAC address.


After primary detects ring failure to restore normal, and uses

packet from primary port, and informs each transfer node to

refresh own MAC address.

55.1.3 MRPP Protocol Operation System

1. Link Down Alarm System

When transfer node finds themselves belonging to MRPP ring port Down, it sends link Down packet to

primary node immediately. The primary node receives link down packet and immediately releases block state

of secondary port, and sends LINK-DOWN-FLUSH-FDB packet to inform all of transfer nodes, refreshing own

MAC address forward list.

2. Poll System

The primary port of primary node sends Hello packet to its neighbors timely according to configured


If the ring is health, the secondary port of primary node receives health detect packet, and the primary node

keeps secondary port.

If the ring is break, the secondary port of primary node can’t receive health detect packet when timer is over

time. The primary releases the secondary port block state, and sends LINK-DOWN-FLUSH_FDB packet to

inform all of transfer nodes, to refresh own MAC address forward list.

3. Ring Restore

After the primary node occur ring fail, if the secondary port receives Hello packet sending from primary node,

the ring has been restored, at the same time the primary node block its secondary port, and sends its

neighbor LINK-UP-Flush-FDB packet.

After MRPP ring port refresh UP on transfer node, the primary node maybe find ring restore after a while. For

the normal data VLAN, the network maybe forms a temporary ring and creates broadcast storm. To avoid

temporary ring, transfer node finds it to connect to ring network port to refresh UP, immediately block

temporarily (only permit control VLAN packet pass), after only receiving LINK-UP-FLUSH-FDB packet from

primary node, and releases the port block state.

55.2 MRPP Configuration Task List

1) Globally enable MRPP