Grass Valley DD35 Family v.3.1.5 User Manual
Page 474

4. Setup and Maintenance
DD35 Production Switcher
4 – 8
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
There are four main groups where the operator can make his setup settings: the
Setup group Panel, Configuration Panel, Install Panel and the E–Box. Each
main group consists of diverse setup items. In Setup, the panel can also be opened
and locked.
The numeric code “3511” enables
locking the panel.
Confirm item with Enter.
The numeric code “3511” enables
unlocking the panel.
Confirm item with Enter.
Panel Setup Items
Using the buttons Store and Bank select the Setup group Panel and confirm with
Bank, the display changes to the further Setup items.
Panel M/E delegation
With Bank and Store buttons we select the
physical M/E in the panel.
With T-Dur/Free% and Key/Inhib buttons
we select the physical M/E in the E-box.
Confirm item with Enter.
In Shift Button Per Bus Row mode:
2nd/3rd level state follows flipflop of buses.
yes / no
Automatically select bus row page with ac-
tive source when activating an AUX bus or
DSK delegation
yes / no
Define low light level in %.
Confirm item with Enter.
L o c k P a n e l
U n l o c k P a n e l
M E D e l – c p = P P : P P
P g m P s t L v
P g m P s t L v S w a p:
S o u r c H u n t i n g
L o w L i g h t