Grass Valley DD35 Family v.3.1.5 User Manual
Page 164
3. Menu Operation
DD35 Production Switcher
3 – 12
Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001
Listboxes are used to display and change lists of values. Most setup menus will
have listboxes. A menu that uses a listbox must have cursor keys, a ”Click” key
Modify and a select key OK. The digipots can also be used for listbox cursor posi-
tioning (digipot 0 for Up/Down and digipot 1 for Right/Left). Also the mouse can be
used to position the cursor. The cursor follows the mouse cursor. The softkeys for
cursor positioning do autorepeat when held down.
Sliderbar: If the listbox has more entries than lines, the sliderbar can be used to
position the visible section.
Every listbox has a memory for the actual listbox cursor position when the user
leaves the listbox or the menu. If the user selects the menu or listbox later the list
box cursor appears at the last stored position. Menus with more than one listbox
have only one set of control buttons. These buttons and the digipots will be dele-
gated (with a cursor button) to the selected listbox.