Grass Valley DD35 Family v.3.1.5 User Manual

Page 451

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3. Menu Operation

DD35 Production Switcher

3 – 299

Operating Instructions – Rev. 16 / 10.2001 Cube / Slab Index Card

Index card with one page:

Page Box Morph

All commands on this index card are only effective when the global channel is en-
abled (Setup index card), and when the buttons DVX1 – DVX3 are selected:

If the value is 0.000 the 3–D parameters of the local channels are used to position
the local channels.
If the value is 1.000 the internal 3–D parameters for the cube–builder are used to
position the local channels.
That means when you run an effect with e.g. keyframe 1 box–morph = 0, and key-
frame 2 box–morph = 1.000 you will first see the 3 channels at their individual posi-
tions, then flying to the positions to form a cube.


x–size of the cube


y–size of the cube


z–size of the cube