Programmable alarm, Element blocking, Logic connections – Basler Electric BE1-11m User Manual
Page 88: Operational settings

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element, the BE1-11m will record a target when the Trip output becomes true. See the
Fault Reporting
chapter for more information about target reporting.
Programmable Alarm
In Percentage Differential mode, an 87 Alarm condition is indicated when the percentage-restrained
differential protection is nearing a trip condition on load.
In Flux Balance mode, an 87 alarm condition is indicated when the measured difference current exceeds
the alarm pickup level.
The alarm appears on the front-panel display, on the web-page interface, and on the Alarms metering
screen in BESTCOMSPlus. Refer to the
chapter for information on how to program alarms.
Element Blocking
The Block input provides logic-supervision control of the element. When true, the Block input disables the
element by forcing the Trip and Pickup outputs to logic 0 and resetting the element timer. Connect the
element Block input to the desired logic in BESTlogicPlus. When the element is initially selected from the
Elements view, the default condition of the Block input is a logic 0.
Logic Connections
Phase-current, differential-element logic connections are made on the BESTlogicPlus screen in
BESTCOMSPlus. The phase-current, differential-element logic block is illustrated in Figure 52. Logic
inputs and outputs are summarized in Table 27.
Figure 52. Phase Current Differential Element Logic Block
Table 27. Logic Inputs and Outputs
Disables the 87 function when true
True when the 87 element is in a trip condition
True when the 87 element is in a pickup condition
Operational Settings
Phase current differential element operational settings are configured on the Phase Current Differential
(87) settings screen (Figure 53) in BESTCOMSPlus. A legend for the chart (Figure 54) is shown by
clicking the Help button on this screen. Setting ranges and defaults are summarized in Table 28.
Phase Current Differential (87) Protection